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El Paso Art,Music, and Being Elemental

Writer: Chris KolencChris Kolenc

Rare Individuals performing at the Power at the Pass.

As the city goes about it's typical Friday night activities,something creative is happening.

It's Elemental by Los Visionaries at the the Power at the Pass on Myrtle.

As the city awakens for late night adventures, the Pass slowly fills the studio with all walks of life. Musicians,artists,producers,photographers,lovers,good time seekers,models,actors and many more. It became one of El Paso's many great "melting pots".

An Artist paints during the art show at the Power at the Pass.

One of many of El Paso's underground nightlife with an attitude.

The art,the music, and the atmosphere is very unique to any other place in in El Paso. Why go to just a bar; when you can see art and music in an old building?

The studio features art from local El Paso artists in all 10 or so rooms with hallways filled with people. Meanwhile a videographer is walking around with a portable IV stand with a Go Pro on top. The unknown videographer said "my friend doesn't need it anymore,so why not put it to good use?".That's exactly what Los Visionaries did to this old brick building on Myrtle. Created something out of nothing. Nothing into something. It's art. It's passion, It's the creatives of El Paso collaborating and working on the future of a city with so much creative hope.

Belly dancer performing at the Power at the Pass.


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